The earth is flat. Unclosed loan value? By Andy Greer, CPA...
Predictable ProfitabilityThe goal of Dr. Schell's MBS Financial Services is to improve the bottom-line results for our clients, so they achieve sustainable...
Mortgage Accounting BasicsAccounting is complicated, and the mortgage lending process is complicated, which means that mortgage accounting is complicated. In many...
IRLC Supplement 12-31-20Although this article was originally released at the end of 2020 to address the tremendous market volatility during 2020, the principles...
Hedging, Fair Value, & the IRLCEvery mortgage lender experiences market risk. The interest rate environment is continuously moving up and down. Each rate movement impact
Mtg Accounting Topic ListMortgage Accounting is a highly complex and often underestimated process. See Dr. Schell's overview of Mortgage Accounting at this link....